Background: overweight and obesity are recognized as an escalating epidemic affecting developing countries. Obesity is associated with a large number of debilitating and life threatening disorders such as cardiovascular, metabolic and other non-communicable diseases.
Objectives: To estimate the prevalence of overweight and obesity among medical students in VIMSAR, Burla and to find out the effect of various risk factors with obesity.
Material and Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted in a selected sample of 150 students from all batches of MBBS courses from July 2017 to Dec 2017 in VIMSAR Burla. Height and weight were measured and BMI was calculated. Details of factors influencing overweight and obesity were obtained using a pretested and predesigned questionnaire.
Result: Majority (66%) was in the age group 21-25 years.61.3% were males and 38.7% were females. Prevalence of overweight and obesity according to South-Asia pacific guidelines of WHO was 18%and 36.66% respectively. There were 83.33% of study population took snacks in between meal, 44.67% skipped their meals and 63.33 %( 95) showed physical activity in terms of exercise daily.
Conclusion: The increasing trend of modern day epidemic of obesity in medical students can be prevented by changing their day to day life style and diet pattern.
Keywords: Overweight, obesity, BMI, physical activity, medical students.
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Corresponding Author
Dr Sumitra Bhoi
Assistant Professor, Biochemistry, VIMSAR, Burla, Odisha, India
Email: drsumitrabhoi09@gmail.com, Phone no: 919438271740