Introduction: Prolonged posture related soft tissue pain are common among desk work nature of job. Pain and reduction in use of arm can give rise to diminished daily activities and quality of life aims and objectives of this subject with adhesive capsultis (Right) Shoulder was to analyse the combined effect of manual therapy and CKC exercises.
Aims & Objective of this original case study was a) To Evaluate the efficacy of manual therapy and closed kinematic chain exercises, using shoulder functional index.
Materials & Methodology: Geriatric type II diabetic with hba1c of 8.2% was treated with specific manual therapy closed and kinematic chain exercises for right shoulder pain and restricted usage of the arm. In 6 sessions pain and improved usage of (Shoulder) right arm was recorded and analysed using due statistical means
Results: Shoulder functional index was improved with P<.05
Conclusion: Selection of suitable means of therapy should be time conserving, effective and evidenced. Posture related soft tissue tightness of shoulder where advanced exercises modalities were more productive than symptom based therapy with electrotherapy.
Keywords: PNF, Shoulder Functional Index, Adhesive Capsulitis, CKC, hba1c.
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