Title: A Study of 50 Cases of Chest Injury in Trauma Patients
Authors: Dr Manish Jakhar, Dr Ajay Singh Kalyanwat, Dr Sanchit Jain
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i10.27
Introduction: Chest trauma constitutes 10-15% of all trauma patients and is cause of 25% of mortality. There are many vital organs in chest (heart, lung, major vessels, esophagus) that may injured due to trauma. Usually patients with chest trauma can be managed conservatively. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of chest trauma, management strategies and outcome of chest trauma in terms of morbidity and mortality.
Material & Methods: It was an observational study done on 50 consecutive cases of chest trauma of age >16years, who required hospitalization. A case was included when patient was having chest injury with or without rib fracture or those with hemothorax, pneumothorax or hemopneumothorax. Diagnosis was initially made by chest X-ray and further, computed tomography of chest was performed in suspected cases of lung parenchymal injury. Management of the patients was followed and recorded in term of morbidity and mortality.
Results: Out of fifty patients 49 were males. Most common cause of chest trauma was road traffic accident followed by fall from height. 64% succumbed ribs fracture and lung contusion present in 36% whereas flail chest found in 4% patients. Head injury and fracture of upper and lower limb bones (16% each) were commonly associated with chest trauma. Most of the patients managed conservatively with only one (2%) patient required thoracotomy. ICDT on one side done in 72% patients and 2% required bilateral ICDT. Blood transfusion was done in 28% and ventilator support given in 3 (6%) patients. No mortality reported in the study.
Conclusion: It was concluded that with simple supportive measures like analgesia, antibiotics, breathing exercise, pulmonary toilet, oxygen therapy and ICDT morbidity and mortality rate in chest trauma patients can be reduced significantly.
Keywords: Chest injury; pneumothorax; hemothorax; rib fracture.