Background; Obesity is a worldwide epidemic. According to the latest reports India is the third most obese country in the world. Obesity is a condition with excess body fat to the extent that health and well-being are adversely affected. As the obesity is associated with increased mortality and morbidity, assessment of obesity is important. Body Mass Index (BMI) is a widely used tool to gauge obesity. There is difference of opinion whether BMI is a reliable indicator of body fat percentage.
Aim and Objectives: To assess the correlation between Body Mass index and body fat percentage.
Material and Methods; Study was conducted in adult male of age group 35-45 years. Height and weight are measured. BMI is calculated using the formula BMI= Weight (kg)/ Height (m2). The study group is divided in to three according to their BMI. Group I, II and III consists of subjects with BMI less than 25, with BMI between 25-29.9 and BMI above 30 respectively. Fat percentage is assessed by hydro densitometry. Statistical methods ANOCVA, Kruskal – wallis test and correlation analysis is used to compare BMI and fat percentage Result: In my study, I found a correlation between Body mass Index and fat percentage.
Conclusion: Body mass index is a fair indicator to assess fat percentage.
Keywords: Body mass index, Fat percentage, Hydrodensitometry.
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Corresponding Author
Dr Deepa Sanjeev Nair
Associate Professor, Dept of physiology,
MIMER Medical College, Talegaon (D), Pune Pin- 410507
Tel. 9326026733, Email: drdeepasnair@rediffmail.com