Background: Several adjuvants have been used to hasten the onset and prolong the duration of analgesia during bracheal plexus block .In our study we evaluate clinically and co rrrelate the effect of addition of 2 ml of sodium bicarbonate and 0.2 mmol of potassium chloride to 1,5% lignocaine hydrochloride for supraclavicular bracheal plexus block
Methods 75 ASA I and II patients posted for elective and emergency upper limb surgery were included and divided into three groups A receiving 30cc lignocaine 1.5% with adrenaline, B receiving 30 cc lignocaine 1.5% with adrenaline and 2 ml sodium bicarbonate and C receiving 30 cc lignocaine 1.5% with 0,2 mmol potassium chloride .The groups were assessed for the onset ,duration and intensity of analgesia.
Statistical Analysis-One way ANOVA and Tukey Post Hoc analysis
Results: The onset of motor blockade with lignocaine is earlier with lignocaine and sodium bicarbonate 4.10 ±0.9 mins v/s 9.1±1.5 and 9.2±1.9 mins There is no significant difference in the onset of motor blockade in the groups receiving Lignocaine and lignocaine and potassium chloride. The duration of both sensory 132 ±6.5 v/s 88 ±8.2 and 110±5.0 mins and motor blockade120±6.7 v/s 81±7.5 and 102±4.2 mins is longer in the group receiving lignocaine and potassium chloride .
Keywords – Adjuvant, duration ,brachial plexus block, potassium
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Corresponding Author
Narendra P L
Assistant Professor, Dept of Anesthesiology, BLDE University s Shri B M Patil Medical College Hospital and Research Centre , BIJAPUR 586103,Karnataka, India
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