Title: Self Medicated Abortion- Care or Crime
Authors: Dr Meena Jethani, Dr Kalpana Yadav, Dr Shilpi Muchhoria, Dr Shubhangi Sharma, Dr Monika
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v3i9.33
Now a days due to change in life style of young generation, misuse of Abortion pills are a one of the major problems of the society. Main aim of this study is to find out the incidence of self medicated abortion and outcome and complication associated with it. Present study is prospective descriptive hospital based study, carried out in the department of obstetrics and Gynaecology, S.S. Medical College and associated Gandhi Memorial Hospital, Rewa (M.P.) for 1 year from 1st july 2013 to 30th june 2014 on 323 patients. Data was collected and analysed. Self medication was more common in 20-29 yrs (55.4%), which were mostly multiparous (88.3%). The most common presenting complaint was bleeding per vaginum (43.62%). Most common outcome was incomplete abortion (57.45%), most common complication was moderate anaemia (45.75%). Health care and health protection is every woman’s reproductive right. Every woman must be counseled regarding advantages, drawbacks, risks and limitations of different methods of abortion. Prevention of unwanted pregnancy is the best way to prevent unsafe abortion. Hence, awareness on contraceptives and emergency contraceptives is must for all. Abortion is silent screan, we have to encourage safe practise like MTP by either medical or surgical means ”TO MEET THE UNMET NEEDS OF WOMEN’S HEALTH” in this aspect.