Objective: This study was carried to determine the effect of hard cervical collar placement on vertebral artery (VA) lumen diameter (LD) and blood flow velocity parameters.
Methods: In a sample of fifteen patients with cervical discogenic radiculopathy, color-coded duplex Doppler diagnostic ultrasound was used to collect data on LD, peak systolic velocity (PSV), and end diastolic velocity (EDV) at the vertebral artery foraminal segment (V2) before and after wearing hard cervical collar for four weeks. Pair-wise mean differences between measurements were analyzed using paired t-tests with alpha set at 0.05.
Results: There were no significant differences in LD and blood flow velocity parameters before and after wearing of hard collar for four weeks.
Conclusion: In patients with cervical discogenic radiculopathy, vertebral artery LD , PSV and EDV was affected after wearing rigid cervical collars for four weeks, however theses changes were non significant.
Keywords: Cervical spine, Color-coded duplex Doppler diagnostic ultrasound imaging, Blood flow velocity, Lumen Diameter, vertebral artery.
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