Fracture dislocation of elbow although is a common presentation but elbow dislocation involving olecranon, medial epicondyle physeal injury with delayed ulnar nerve palsy has rarely been reported.
Elbow dislocations represent 3% to 6% of elbow injuries with a peak incidence of 13-14 years1. Fracture dislocations of elbow commonly involve medial epicondyle,coroniod process of olecranon, radial head and neck and rarely capitellum or trochlea1,2.More Complex injuries like monteggia fracture dislocation and elbow dislocation with medial epicondyle avulsion fracture or with condyle fracture are relatively rare as compared to simple injury patterns1,2.We report a rare case of 8 year old boy with dislocated elbow with medial epicondyle avulsion, olecranon fracture and delayed ulnar nerve palsy.
A 8 year old boy presented to us in emergency department with a history of fall on pointed elbow 8 hours after injury. Examination revealed that elbow was swollen, tender to palpation, painful range of motion with intact distal neural and vascular status. Overlying skin was normal with no breach and there was no evidence of injury to any other part. Past history was not significant.
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8. Haflah NH,Ibrahim S, Sapuan J,Abdullah S.An elbow dislocation in a child with missed medial epicondyle fracture and late ulnar nerve palsy.J Pediatr Orthop B.2010 Sep;19(5):459-61. Doi:10.1097/BPB.obo13e32833b6032.
9. Lima S , Correia JF, Ribeiro RP,Martins RM et al.A rare case of elbow dislocation associated with unrecognized fracture of medial epicondyle and delayed ulnar neuropathy in peadiatric age.J Shoulder Elbow Surg.2013 Mar;22(3):e9-e11. Doi:10.1016/j.jse.2012.11.009.
Corresponding Author
Dr Sulaiman Sath (M.S Orthopaedics)
Bone and Joint Hospital (Department of Orthopaedics), GMC Srinagar, India
Email: sulaiman185@gmail.com