
Print & Online Journal

JMSCR Available in both version Print and Online with High Quality Editorial Board, Rigarous and Rapid peer review, Open Access & high citation rate.............

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IGM Publication

IGM Publication is an international, peer-reviewed open access Publisher

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Aim & Scope

JMSCR publishes editorial, original and review papers, case reports, reports and commentaries

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Welcome to Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research is an international, peer-reviewed open access journal of medicine and health science published in English. The journal's publisher is the IGM Publication. The Journal aims at publishing evidence-based, scientifically written articles from different disciplines of medical sciences. The Journal welcomes articles of general interest to audiences of medical researchers especially when they contain new information. Articles of clinical evaluation of drugs and other therapies, epidemiologic studies in general population, Physiology articles, studies on pathogenic organisms and toxic materials, toxicity and adverse effects of therapeutics are welcome 

JMSCR  (Journal of Medical Science And Clinical Research) International is an open access online publishing group which has More than 8000 Articles Published in Last Seven Years, have around 150 high quality Editorial Board members. “It is a Great Achievement for us” Medical Journals provide a platform for outstanding research around the globe in the field of medicine.

These scholarly open access medical journals aim to contribute to the progress and application of scientific discoveries, by providing free access to the research information.

The published work reaches the general public and the scientific community immediately after publication, thus providing higher citation rates for the author. 

All the articles published in Medical journals are permanently archived in respective peer reviewed journals thus providing unrestricted utilization and requisition of the scientific information.

Call For Paper Volume 12 Issue 07 July 2024

The JMSCR is accepting manuscripts for its coming issues to be Publish Volume 12 Issue 07 July 2024 the JMSCR invites authors to submit manuscripts Reporting original medical research, original article, research article, case report, systematic reviews, or educational Innovations for publication for the coming issues that will be released in Volume 12 Issue 07 July 2024. Types of manuscripts suitable for JMSCR include: Medical research, Clinical research Educational Innovation, Brief Report, Reviews on Teaching In keeping with high quality scholarship, Read More.....

If any difficulty you can also submit to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Editorial Policy

Authors should prepare their manuscripts according to the instructions given in the authors' guidelines. Manuscripts which do not ..

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Frequency of Publication

JMSCR is published as monthly journal with 12 issues per year. Special editions are also planned subjected to the scope and need....


Submission of Articles

Authors are invited to submit their research articles, review papers, Case Report properly formatted as per the author guidelines.........


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