Title: Microbiological Pattern in Sputum Culture in Patients of Lung Abscess
Authors: Dr Dharmendra Kumar Mekle, Dr Soniya Saxena, Dr Nishant Shrivastava
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i11.101
Lung abscess is defined as a circumscribed area of pus or necrotic debris in lung parenchyma, which leads to a cavity. It is a type of liquefactive necrosis of the lung tissue and formation of cavities (more than 2 c.m)(1). It is containing necrotic debris or fluid caused by microbial infection.
Lung abscess is considered primary when it results from existing lung parenchymal disease it is accounts around 60%.(2) and it termed secondary when it complicates another process e.g., extra pulmonary abscess rupture or vascular emboli. Cavity of lung abscess may complicates after formation of bronchopulmonary fistula, and air fluid level is seen inside the cavity(3).