Title: Jejunoileal atresia and multiple ileal diverticulae in a twelve-day-old infant: A Case Report

Authors: Supriya Mehrotra, Bandana Mehrotra, Sanjay Mehrotra, Ashok Kumar Kapoor, Hari Shyam

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v12i02.04


A twelve-day-old neonate presented with persistent bilious vomiting and dehydration. A transverse supra-umbilical laparotomy was done. Later, he died and autopsy was done. A jejunoileal segment and several other ileal segments were collected. The jejunoileal segment was dilated. It measured 11 cm in length and had a blind end. One of the ileal segments measured 16 cm in length. Ileum showed multiple small diverticulae at the mesenteric border and each diverticula measured 3 to 4 mm in length. Lumen of ileum appeared collapsed or strictured. Further, the lumen of diverticulae contained soft eosinophilic material. He was finally diagnosed as a case of jejunoileal atresia associated with multiple terminal ileal diverticulae. 

Keywords: Jejunoileal dilatation multiple ileal type IV diverticulosis.


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Corresponding Author

Dr. Ashok Kumar Kapoor

RML Mehrotra Pathology Pvt. Ltd. B-171, Nirala Nagar, Lucknow- 226020, Uttar Pradesh, India