Title: Soft tissue lasers: A new paradigm for the treatment of Ankyloglossia

Authors: Navneet, Devashish, Oliver Jacob, Manab Kosala

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i11.141


Lingual Frenum is defined as a triangular tissue fold that creates connection between tongue, lip and buccal musculature to the alveolar bone. It maintains a balance between the growing hard and soft tissues in the development phase of the foetus and also plays a role in limiting the lips, cheeks and tongue movement(1). Ankyloglossia is an anomaly which is congenital in nature and where lingual frenum attachment is abnormal. This is a case series of 3 paediatric cases of ankyloglossia two aged 4 and 5 years respectively and one 14 years of age who were successfully treated by diode laser.

Keywords: Ankyloglossia, diode laser, lingual frenectomy, tongue tie.


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Junior Resident (Periodontology), Dept of Dental Surgery, Armed Forces Medical College, Pune, Maharashtra, India