

Introduction: Root canal treatment (RCT) is one of the most common endodontic procedures for which
patient visit the dentist. It is very important to know about the knowledge of RCT.
Methods: Multiple choice questionnaires regarding knowledge of root canal treatment was distributed to
65 patients in the community. Among them 35 males and 30 female were participated. The data were
collected and analysis was performed using SPSS using descriptive statistics.
Results: Among 65 patients, 31 were female and 34 were male. Various knowledge and practice based
questions where male of the respondents 70.6% had the known about RCT and 64.5% of female know about
it. 50.5% of male came to know about it through nearby clinic and secondly from relatives and friends.
22.6% female and 20.6% of male immediately seek for treatment. Most of the male respondents chose RCT
over extraction.
Conclusion: Knowledge and awareness about the RCT can conserve the teeth from extraction.


How to Cite
Pradhan, D. R. J., Shrestha, D. R., Thapa, D. A., & Acharya, D. B. K. (2019). Awareness and Knowledge of Root Canal Treatment: A Survey. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 6(08), 6837-6840. Retrieved from https://igmpublication.org/ijetst.in/index.php/ijetst/article/view/1444