Title: Hyperbillirubinemia as a Predictive Factor for Appendiceal Perforation in Acute Appendicitis: A Prospective Study

Author: Dr Ravi

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v11i1.06


The vermiform appendix is considered by most to be a vestigeal organ, its importance in surgery being only due to its propensity for imflammation that in a clinical syndrome called ‘acute appendicitis’. Recently, it has been proposed that an elevated total bilirubin (TB) level could be used as a specific marker for the prediction of perforated appendicitis7. The rationale for this proposal is based on the hepatic congestion occurring during bacteria sepsis secondary to Gram negative bacteria. Our purpose of this study is to establish the correlation of total serum bilirubin with the appendiceal perforation in acute appendicitis and to compare the reliability of total bilirubin versus WBC count for suspected perforated appendicitis.

Keywords: Appendicitis, Hyperbilirubinemia.


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Corresponding Author

Dr Ravi

Resident, Medical Officer cum Clinical Tutor, Department of General Surgery Malda Medical College & Hospital, West Bengal, India