Title: Case Report on Pure Yolk sac tumor of ovary in a young female

Authors: Dr Akshita Mehta, Dr Sarita Asotra, Dr Rajeev Sood

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v10i4.16


Ovarian Yolk sac tumor is the second most common Malignant ovarian Germ Cell tumor (MOGT). It is seen in young women of reproductive age group, presenting commonly as abdominopelvic mass. Here we present a hiatopathologically diagnosed case of large ovarian Yolk sac tumor in a 21 years old women who presented with abdomino-pelvic pain and swelling, raised AFP levels. She was treated with conservative surgery and currently undergoing chemotherapy.


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Corresponding Author

Dr Sarita Asotra

Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, IGMC Shimla