Title: Minimally invasive Esthetic Rehabilitation in anterior Esthetic Zone by Lithium Disilicate (E-Max Press) Based veneering of a discoloured upper central incisior: A Case Report

Authors: Dr Prashant Acharya, Dr Neesha Kumari

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v10i1.05


Lithium disilicate ceramic veneers are minimally invasive requiring very less tooth reduction. These veneers have cosmetically promising results as their properties are similar to that of enamel. Laminate veneer restorations are in use for dental tissue conservation as well as esthetic management option. Lithium disilicate ceramic material yields least thickness veneers and has improved physical, mechanical and optical properties as compared to other materials. This case report aim`s to describe the complete clinical procedure till the cementation of lithium disilicate ceramic veneer. Tooth preparation was done using porcelain veneer preparation burs (Pivo, Korea) and was limited to enamel in this case. Etching of Veneers was done with 9% hydrofluoric acid after that a silane coupling agent was applied. Teeth were etched using 37% phosphoric acid followed by application of bonding agent. Cementation of veneer to the tooth structure was done with dual core resin cement. Just before light curing the resin cement a layer of oxygen barrier was also applied.

Keywords: Esthetic, lithium disilicate, veneers.        


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Corresponding Author

Dr Neesha Kumari

Prakshroop Dental Clinic, Bilaspur (Himachal Pradesh)