Title: Psychological and Social Determinants of Health during COVID 19

Author: Sivanjali M

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v9i8.29


In recent years, it was noticed that social determinants of health influence mental wellbeing of a person. People who are unemployed or in risky employment encounter mental health issues(1). When people are affected psychologically, it leads to domestic violence, child abuse and rise in psychological illnesses. It is even harder when they already have preexisting psychiatric illness.

The World Health Organization considered that the COVID-19 to be a pandemic on March 11th, 2020(2). It has been more than a year now and it is affecting globally. Everyone is affected by this unforeseen pandemic and now we are in the vaccination stage and still very few people have access to it. Even after receiving it we still need to follow the hygienic measures which is disappointing to many.


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  2. Acute S, Syndrome R, Texas RR, Protection TC, States U. COVID-19 : Vulnerability and the power of privilege in a pandemic. 2020;(March):158–60.
  3. Li S, Wang Y, Xue J, Zhao N, Zhu T. The Impact of COVID-19 Epidemic Declaration on Psychological Consequences : A Study on Active Weibo Users.
  4. Canyon D V, Brickhouse M, Swienton R. Policy analysis. 2020;1–7.

Corresponding Author

Sivanjali M

Department of Medical Education and Research, Eastern University, Sri Lanka