Title: Stromal Expression of CD 10 in Infiltrating Duct Carcinoma Breast and Its Correlation with ER, PR, and HER 2 NEU

Authors: Dr Ishant Sharma, Dr Sudarshan K Sharma, Dr Anchana Gulati, Dr Anjali Mahajan, Dr Upender Chandel

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v9i6.27


Background: Breast carcinoma is an epithelial malignancy and it is hormone dependent mostly. Breast carcinoma is the most frequently diagnosed malignancy among the women of all ages worldwide. In 2012, breast carcinoma was found to be the most common malignancy amongst women in India, way ahead of cervical cancer1,2. In the year 2020 the diagnosed cases of breast carcinoma among women were 22,61,419 3. Recently it has been documented that tumor progression is promoted by interaction of tumor cells with their microenvironment especially stromal cells. This understanding has brought forth new potential candidate markers like CD10. The aim of this study is to understand the Association of Stromal CD10 expression with ER, PR, HER-2/NEU, in IDC breast.

Methods: Fifty one cases of IDC, breast received as a specimen of modified radical mastectomy in Deptt of Pathology. IHC was done for ER, PR, Her-2/neu and CD10.

Results: Out of fifty one cases of IDC, stromal CD 10 positivity was seen in 84.3% of cases .ER and PR positivity was seen in 60.8% and 54.9% respectively. However HER-2/neu overexpression was observed only in 21.4% cases.

Conclusions: In majority of the cases of IDC, the tumor cells were positive for ER and PR. Her-2/neu was positive (score 3+) in only 21.6% of cases of IDC. Although majority (84.3%)  of the cases of IDC showed stromal  CD10 positivity, no statistical significant correlation was observed between stromal CD 10 expression and  other IHC markers i.e ER , PR and HER-2/NEU  in the cases of IDC breast in our study.


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Corresponding Author

Dr Ishant Sharma

JR, III Year, Deptt of Pathology, IGMC, Shimla