Title: An Endo-Aesthetic Management of Fractured Maxillary Central Incisors:  A Case Report

Authors: Shalini, Megha Narayan, Anamika Rani, Arvind Kumar, Sidhharth Anand, Shikhar Kumar

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v9i6.02


Traumatic dental injuries to anterior maxillary teeth is a frequent incidence in young and adolescent patients. Pedodontist have to deal with these types of serious injuries, in all their day to night routine dental practice. Several studies have reported endodontic management followed by porcelain fused to metal crown restoration using dentine bonding agent and adhesive resin cement for the esthetic concern. This case report presents an endo- esthetic management of maxillary central incisors with crown fracture followed by a permanent restoration.

Keywords: Crown fracture, Adhesive resins, Glass-reinforced composite, Permanent restoration, Porcelain Fused to Metal crown.


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Department of Pedodontics and Preventive dentistry, Buddha Institute of Dental Sciences and Hospital, Patna, Bihar, India