Title: White Cerebellum Sign- A Case Report

Authors: Dr Aswin Suresh, Prof. Dr Namita Mohanty

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v9i3.06



White cerebellum sign is an uncommonly described radiological sign. This sign is mostly described in pediatric age group due to child abuse, head injury& hypoxia¹. It is uncommon in adults but can also be seen following head injury & in postpartum period². Here we describe an adult case with history of chronic alcohol consumption.

Case Report

A 40 year old Hindu male, chronic alcoholic admitted with the complaints of 1 day fever, altered sensorium, repeated attacks of generalised tonic clonic seizure, having no past history of head injury, similar illness, without any significant family history.

General physical examination revealed tachycardia, fever, stuporous condition, low SpO2 (88%).Central nervous system examination revealed GCS 4/15(E2VIM2), pupil bilateral equal size normal reaction to light, with intact corneal relex and brisk deep tendon reflexes. Bilateral non responsive plantar, meningeal signs were absent, skull & spine normal.


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  2. Malik MV, Murthy BTVSP, Raj LCV, Vyas MS, Mehar MUSSV. 'White cerebellum sign' in immediate postpartum period. Med J Armed Forces India. 2015:71 (Suppl 1):s163-5.
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  7. Chalela JA, Rothlisberger J, West B, Hays A. The white cerebellum sign: an under recognized sign of increased intracranial pressure. Neurocrit Care. 2013 Jun,18(3):398-399.
  8. Huisman TA, Kubat SH, Eckhardt BP. The dark cerebellar sign. Neuropediatrics. 2007 Jun;38{3):160-163. 

Corresponding Author

Dr Aswin Suresh

Junior Resident, Dept of Medicine, MKCG MCH Berhampur Odisha