Title: Diabetic Retinopathy Severity in patients with Diabetic Foot Syndrome

Authors: Dr Abhishek Padha, Dr Swati Sharma

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v8i9.16


Background: Diabetes is a common comorbidity in today’s world with many complications. Diabetic retinopathy and diabetic foot ulcer are frequently encountered complications of diabetes and account for a large number of hospital visits.

Objective: The purpose of conducting this study is to access the retinopathy status of patients with diabetic foot syndrome and to evaluate any relation between their severities.

Methods: Patients with diabetic foot syndrome visiting GMC Doda over a period of one and half month were subjected to ophthalmoscopic examination for documentation of their diabetic retinopathy severity.

Results: Twenty five patients were enrolled in the study, all of whom had type 2 DM of at least 5 years duration. All patients had some degree of diabetic neuropathy and associated diabetic foot syndrome. No correlation was found between the severity of diabetic retinopathy and that of diabetic foot syndrome (p value = .56).

Conclusion: Our study did not find any correlation between the severity of diabetic retinopathy and that of diabetic foot syndrome.

Keywords: Diabetic foot, Diabetic retinopathy, neuropathy.


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Corresponding Author

Dr Swati Sharma

Resident, Department of Ophthalmology, Govt. Medical College, Doda, J&K