Title: Umbilical Cord Hernia a Rare Ventral Wall Defect:  Case Report

Authors: Priyanka Sharma, Nishant Acharya

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v8i6.85


Umbilicus is a site of numerous embryopathies involving vessels, urachus, midgut herniation, anterior abdominal wall defects and congenital cysts. Abdominal wall defects can range from lethal limb-body wall syndrome to benign umbilical cord hernias (UCH), which are often misdiagnosed as omphalocele minor causing unwarranted anxiety. A meticulous evaluation of prenatal ultrasounds and palpation of the cord before clamping after the delivery are the mainstay for early and accurate diagnosis. We are illustrating a case of umbilical cord hernia (UCH) in which though the ultrasonography (USG) was unable to establish the diagnosis antinatally but the thorough clinical examination not only diagnosed but also prevented the unwarranted complication.

Keywords: Umbilical cord hernia, Ventral wall defect, Reducible swelling of cord, Umbilical embryopathies.


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Corresponding Author

Nishant Acharya

Department of Paediatrics, Dr. RKGMC Hamirpur (H.P), India