Title: Lingual Thyroid - The Only Thyroid Tissue in the Body: A Case Report

Authors: Monika Sood, Pankaj Chauhan, Deepa Thomas, R.S Minhas

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v8i6.81


Lingual thyroid is a developmental defect in the descent of thyroid tissue from foramen caecum into the neck. The thyroid normally descends after first month of conception into the neck. Ectopic thyroid is located at base of tongue in 90% cases1. Early diagnosis and management is essential because it can be only functioning thyroid tissue in the body in 70% cases4. We report a case of 28 year old female patient presented with chief complaint of change of voice, foreign body sensation and swelling in posterior part of tongue. Ultrasonography done also confirmed the absence of normal thyroid tissue and thyroid function test suggestive of hypothyroidism. Diagnosis of lingual thyroid was made.

Keywords: Lingual, Thyroid, Ectopic.


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Corresponding Author

Pankaj Chauhan

Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Indira Gandhi Medical College, Shimla, H.P., India