Title: Median Raphe Cyst: A Rare Lesion with unusual localisation

Authors: Shikha Verma, Ravinder Singh

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v8i6.05



Median raphe cyst is an uncommon developmental anomaly of male genitalia. Only a few hundred cases have been published in the English literature and the lack of awareness of this entity can lead to confusion and misdiagnosis. Raphe cysts are generally solitary and translucent, and can develop at any location over the midline of the external genitalia from the parameatal region to the perineum. The cysts can occur at parameatus, glans penis, penile shaft, scrotum or perineum. The penile shaft is the more common location whereas perineum is least common site. We report here a case of median raphe cyst located in the midline over perineal region of 6 month old infant. Early recognition of this condition may avoid the confusion in diagnosis at later age, when patient present with complications.


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Corresponding Author

Ravinder Singh

Medical Officer, Dermatology DR RKGMC Hamirpur H.P India