Title: Causes of failed DCR: A hospital based study

Authors: Dr Aamina Shah, Dr Aalia Rasool, Dr Junaid S Wani

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v8i3.115



Background: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the causes of failure of external dacryocystorhinostomy in a tertiary care hospital.

Methods:  53 patients of failed DCR of either gender were subjected to complete ophthalmic and lacrimal system examination besides doing CT-DCG. The radiologist blinded to the clinical profile of the patient evaluated size of bony ostium, soft tissue cicatrization, bony regrowth, secondary stenosis of canaliculi, synechiae between the ostium and nasal septum and anatomic variations in nasal cavity, turbinates or nasal septum.

Results: The most common causes of failure in our study were inappropriate size of osteotomy window in 43 patients (78.3), fibrous tissue scarring at osteotomy window in 28 patients (54.4), the other causes were bilateral concha bullosa in 2 patients, common canalicular block in 3 patient, faulty passage into ethmoidal sinus in one patient and one patient had no bone window. .

Conclusions: CT-DCG is a valuable imaging tool to evaluate DCR failure and planning revision sugery. In our study CT-DCG showed that small size of osteotomy window, fibrous tissue scarring at osteotomy window were frequently seen causative factors of DCR failure.

Keywords: Computed tomographic dacryocystography, Computed tomography, Dacryocystorhinostomy  


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Corresponding Author

Dr Aamina Shah