Title: Assessment and Outcome of Thyroid Function during First Trimester Pregnancy in Tertiary Hospital

Authors: Shrutika Gobbur, Rameshwari Nisty, Gangambika Nisty

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v8i3.105




Thyroid disorders are among the common endocrine problems in pregnant women. Pregnancy is a physiological state, associated with significant, but reversible changes in thyroid function. Thyroid hormone status shows variation during normal pregnancy, so evaluating the thyroid function at early pregnancy may avoid untoward adverse outcomes.


Aims and Objectives

  1. Estimating proportion of thyroid dysfunction in first trimester pregnant women attending tertiary hospital.
  2. Estimating TPO antibodies in women with abnormalities of thyroid profile.


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Corresponding Author

Rameshwari Nisty

Dept of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Esic Medical College, Kalaburgi