Title: A Study of 100 Cases of Breech Pregnancy at a Tertiary Centre

Authors: Dr Shazia Nisar, Dr Shahzada Shahid Bashir Banday

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v8i3.89



Introduction: Breech pregnancy refers to the condition where podalic pole over lies pelvic brim. It constitutes 3%of all pregnancies. It is of two types complete and incomplete. It is more in multigravidas. Most common cause of breech is prematurity. Incidence of breech before 28 weeks is 7% and 1-3% at term.

Methodology: This is a prospective study in our hospital over a period of one year July 2017-sep 2019

Results: Incidence of breech in our study was 3.4%.

Breech was more in multigravidas, most common cause of breech was prematurity. Most common type of breech in our study was complete breech. Main mode of delivery was lscs. Fetal complications in our study was low birth weight babies followed by prematurity.

Conclusion: Breech pregnancy is considered as high risk pregnancy, but it can be reduced if antenatal cases are properly registered and planned mode of delivery instituted for them.

Keywords: breech, prematurity, complete, multigravidas.


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Corresponding Author

Dr Shazia Nisar

Senior Resident Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Skims Soura, India