Title: Role of High Resolution B-Mode Ultrasound in Shoulder Diseases

Authors: Dr NC Yadav, Dr Ashok Kumar Verma, Dr P.Purushothaman, Dr Kavitha Singh

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v8i3.48



Introduction: Ultrasonography (US) has been shown to be an effective imaging modality in the evaluation of both rotator cuff and non-rotator cuff disorders.

Aim: To assess the pathology of soft tissue of shoulder joint mainly in rotator cuff injury in both partial and complete tear.

Materials and Methods: The study was conducted in all in patients and outpatient requiring x-ray and sonography of shoulder joint referred by orthopedics department GSVM Medical college, Kanpur. The examination begins with the patient sitting on a rotating stool at a slightly lower level than that of the examiner. US images include but are not limited to longitudinal and transverse or coronal planes relative to the shoulder tendons. Both shoulders are examined, starting with the less or non symptomatic side. Discussion: Based on our results, it can be concluded that ultrasonography is an effective imaging modality that has a positive effect on the management of many patients presenting with shoulder pain and/or disability. Shoulder ultrasound has high accuracy in diagnosing tears of the rotator cuff and in differentiating partial- from full-thickness tears.


Corresponding Author

Dr P.Purushothaman

Junior Resident, Department of Radiodiagnosis, GSVM Medical College, Kanpur