Title: Multifactorial Risk Factors for Tomours of Upper-Aerodigestive Tract

Authors: Dr Kashmir Ali, Dr Praveen Kumar, Dr Anand Kumar, Dr Mahendra Khinchi

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v8i1.51


Background: Many etiological factors contribute to the development of UADT malignancy, Such as the use of all forms of tobacco, alcohol consumption, viruses (HPV), nutritional factors, poor oral hygiene, chronic inflammation, syphilis, sepsis, sunlight (in cases of lip cancer), miscellaneous factors including heat (particularly heat from a pipe stem in cases of lip cancer), and repeated traumatic irritation.

Aims and Objective: To study risk factors associated with tumours of upper aero-digestive tract.

Material and Methods: Here we study various risk factors for 156 cases of UADT at a tertiary care hospital.

Results and Conclusion: People with poor socioeconomic background, mixed diet and poor oral hygiene are more vulnerable to UADT tumours. Smoking was associated with laryngeal malignancy and tobacco chewing was associated with malignancy of oral cavity with P value being <0.005 (significant).

Keywords: Upper areodigestive tract, tumours, cancer.


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Corresponding Author

Dr Peeyush Kumar Saini

Senior Demonstrator, SMS, Medical College and Hospital, Jaipur, India