Title: Histopathological evaluation of bone lesions in tertiary care centre

Authors: Dr M A Sameer, Dr Rupali G Sonwane

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v8i1.22


Objectives: To study the histopathological features of bone lesion and correlate them with age, site and type of lesions.

Material and Methods:  This study was undertaken in department of pathology, Dr SCGMC, Nanded for period of 3 years from November 2016‑November 2019to determine the histopathological findings in bone lesions.

Results: Total 60 cases were studied out which nonneoplastic lesions comprised 32 cases (53.33%), 21 cases (35%) had benign tumors and malignant tumors accounted for 7 cases (11.66%). Bone lesions were more common in < 20 years age group (31.66%). Male to female ratio in bone lesions is 1.5:1. The most common site of bone lesion is femur (20/60), followed by tibia (15/60), humerus (11/60), radius (7/60), ulna (4/60), small bones (3/60).

Conclusion: The most common lesions are non neoplastic followed by benign neoplastic tumors then malignant neoplastic tumors. All are more common in younger age group with male predominance. The most common site involved is femur.

Keywords: Non neoplastic, neoplastic, bone lesions.


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Corresponding Author

Dr Rupali G Sonwane

Dr Shankarrao Chavan Government Medical College Vishnupuri, Nanded