Title: A Study on Salzmann’s Nodular Lt. Eye Degeneration

Authors: Dr Kamla Prasad M.S. (Optholmology), Dr Rajesh Paswan M.D. (Radio Diagnosis), Dr Rahmat Ali  Mch (Ortho), MS(Ortho)

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i12.80


Salzmann’s Nodular Degeneration (SND) is a condition where a small growth like nodule forms on front surface of cornea disease progress slowly and measures 1-4 mm which is located on anterior to bowman’s layer of cornea. These are gray white to bluish in colour. Nodules are removed by superficial keratectomy under topical anaesthesia.

Keywords: Salzmann, Nodule, Callus, Bowman’s layer, Cornea, Keratectomy, topical anaesthesia, Slit lamp.


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Corresponding Author

Dr. Rahmat Ali  Mch (Ortho), MS(Ortho)

Associate Prof. & H.O.D. Ortho, Maharshi Vashisth Autonomous Govt. Medical Collage-Basti