Title: Retrospective Comparative Study between Capecitabine and Gemcitabine Based Chemotherapy in the Treatment of Locally Advanced Unresectable Carcinoma of Gall Bladder

Authors: Dr Dharmaraj. A, Dr SN Prasad, Dr Tazyeen Fatima, Dr Jitendra Kumar Verma, Dr Pramod Kumar Singh, Dr Archana Singh, Dr Mohd Waseem Raza

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i12.65


Introduction: Locally advanced carcinoma of gall bladder is a disease with a dismal prognosis. Chemotherapy is the main stay of treatment, but there is no standard chemotherapy options for patients with GB carcinoma

Aim: To compare the overall survival, time to disease progression and toxicity between the two chemotherapeutic regimens

Materials and Methods: Single institution retrospective study in 2018 of patients treated with capecitabine and gemcitabine based chemotherapy-gemcitabine either with cisplatin or carboplatin. A total of 230 patients were identified, of whom 67 patients were treated with chemotherapy,34 received capecitabine and 33 patients received gemcitabine either with cisplatin or carboplatin

Results: We observed the overall survival and time to disease progression were similar in outcomes in both regimens. No major acute toxicities seen in both arms

Conclusion: Gemcitabine based chemotherapy provides similar outcomes to capecitabine, but capecitabine also offers the advantage of oral dosing thus facilitating drug delivery and patient compliance

Keywords:  gemcitabine, capecitabine, locally advanced gall bladder carcinoma.


Corresponding Author

Dr Dharmaraj. A

Junior Resident JK Cancer Institute Kanpur