Title: Clinical Profile of Asymmetric Tonsillar Enlargement

Authors: Parvathy A P, Sindhu V Nath, Satheesh Somaraj, Jayaprabha Sathyabhama, Venugopal M

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i11.94


Objective: Primary- To study the aetiology of asymmetric tonsillar enlargement.

Materials and Methods: This  study  was  conducted  over  a  period  of  18  months  (January  2017  –  June 2018)  and  comprised  of  54  patients  of  all  age  groups  and  either  sex  diagnosed  as  having asymmetric  tonsillar  enlargement  and  underwent  either  tonsillectomy  or  biopsy  in  the department  of  ENT,  Government  Medical  College  Hospital,  Thiruvananthapuram.  After obtaining  consent  for  the  study,  detailed  history  taking  and  clinical  examination  were performed  and  other  investigation  reports  were  noted.  Later the histopathology report of the operated specimen was obtained. All these results were analysed.

Results: Etiology  was  inferred  from histopathological  examination  where  31(57.4%)  of  them  were  diagnosed  with  chronic tonsillitis.  This was followed by 26% of squamous cell carcinoma.  There  were  4  cases of  tonsillar  cyst  and  2  cases  of  Large  B  cell  Non-Hodgkin‘s  lymphoma.  There  was  one case  each  of  hamartomatous  polyp,  tonsillolith  and  clear  cell  carcinoma.  The  benign lesions  together  constituted  68.5%  (37  cases)  and  31.5%  (17  cases)  showed  malignancy. Elderly  males  showed  a  significant  association  with  the  chance  of  developing  malignancy.

Keyword: Asymmetric Tonsillar Enlargement.


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Corresponding Author

Dr Sindhu V Nath

Additional Professor, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Govt. Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India