Title: Tramadol-induced Seizure in a Nigerian Female Quarry Labourer: A Case Report

Author: Okwudili Obayi

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i11.85


Tramadol is a centrally-acting atypical opioid-like analgesic with serotonin reuptake inhibition used in the treatment of pain. Seizure is one of its complications and can occur with its therapeutic use, abuse or overdose. Presented here is a 25-year old quarry worker who had seizure in two different occasions, each following increased dosage of oral tramadol being abused as an agent to reduce pain and increase the strength required to keep her menial job. The erroneous impression the father in-law had about seizure after the second episode led to patient coming to our facility. She was motivated to stop the drug and with psychotherapy, she stabilized and there was peace in the family. A continual public enlightenment aimed at educating people on drug abuse and reduction of the erroneous sociocultural beliefs about seizure is highly recommended.

Keywords: Tramadol, seizure, quarry worker, Nigeria.


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Corresponding Author

Dr N. O. K. Obayi

Dept of Psychiatry, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, or Dept of Psychiatry, Alex Ekwueme Federal University Teaching Hospital, Abakaliki, Nigeria