Title: Estimation of serum lipase as a predicator of acute Pancreatitis

Authors: Dr Pankaj Bhushan, Dr Usha Kumari

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i11.51


Estimation of serum lipase in case of pancreatitis is very important to reach the diagnosis of disease & its prognosis. It is established fact that test for serum lipase is specific for diagnosis of acute & chronic pancreatitis. Once diagnosis is established, treatment of pancreatitis started. Now serial estimation of serum lipase daily will provide information retarding prognosis of disease also. For example during recovery phase estimation of serum lipase daily will guide to the prognosis of disease. During this phase the serum lipase level goes to the base line. The aim and objective of this work is to predict the disease acute pancreatitis by estimation of serum lipase.


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Corresponding Author

Dr Usha Kumari

Associate Professor, Deptt of biochemistry, VIMS, Pawapuri (Nalanda)