Title: Sleep Disorders in Parkinson’s Disease

Authors: Ridha Bushra, Juveria Tarannum, D. Sudheer Kumar, P. Kishore

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i11.24


Sleep disturbances are common problems affecting the quality life of Parkinson's disease (PD) patients and worsen their symptoms. Impaired sleep can have a severe impact on health, general well being. Sleep disturbances includes various causes such as nocturnal motor disturbances, depressive symptoms, and medication use. Co-morbidity of PD with sleep apnoea syndrome, restless legs syndrome, rapid eye movement sleep behaviour disorder, or circadian cycle disruption also results in impaired sleep. Sleep disorders in PD may occur during the day or at night and which can be before or during the disease. Patients with PD should be asked about their symptoms related to sleep disturbances. Treatment strategies should be based on physical examinations which need to be tailored to the individual and reviewed regularly.


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Corresponding Author

Dr P. Kishore

Head, Department of Pharmacy Practice,Care College of Pharmacy, Oglapur (v), Damera (m), Warangal rural, Telangana, India, 506006