Title: Clinico & Histomorphological Spectrum of Lesions of Cervix, a one year Prospective study in a Tertiary Care Hospital

Authors: Nidhi Gupta, Mamta Gupta, Arvind Khajuria, Narinder Mohan

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i8.141



Majority of the specimens which reach the histopathology laboratory are from gynecology department. Aim of this study is to determine the frequency and histomorphological patterns of lesions of the cervix in various age groups. This is a prospective study done in a tertiary care hospital. A total of 110 cases were received in histopathology department and evaluated. The age group of the patients was between 22-78 years. It was concluded that about 80.90% cases were non –neoplastic and 19.10% were neoplastic. The most common of all these lesions was chronic non-specific cervicitis.

Keywords: Cervicitis, neoplastic, non-neoplastic


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Nidhi Gupta