Title: A Comparative Study on Collagen Dressing vs Normal Dressing

Authors: Dr N. Junior Sundresh, Dr S.Narendran, Mohammad Faheem Mohiuddin, Nayana Koshy, K.Arunraj, S.Sowmiya, Shaik Mohammed Sameer

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i5.15


Background: The study conducted was observational and comparative study in patients suffering from diabetic foot ulcer. The purpose of the study was to observe the effectiveness in healing of normal dressing and dressing with collagen powder in the Surgery Department at Rajah Muthiah Medical College & Hospital (RMMC & H).

Methods: The study was conducted from the record of the patient’s case sheets in tertiary care teaching hospital. A total of 55 patients were including in this study over 4 months period (2018 June - September). 55 patients were found to be with diabetic foot ulcer. The required data for this condition are obtained from the available case sheets.

Results: The total number of patients observed is 55. A total of 55 patients belonging to the various age groups were include in the study, Out of which 4 patients belong to the age group 40-49 years (7.77%), 11 patients belong to the age group 50-59 years (20.0%), 16 patients belong to the age group 60-69 years (29.09%), 25 patients belong to age group >70 years (43.63%). Among these 34 patients were males and 21 patients were females. Out of 55 patients 25 patients had received collagen powder dressing and 30 patients had received normal dressing. To examine the relationship between pain and wound healing, pain levels were compared in subjects who received collagen powder dressing and normal dressing.

Conclusion: We found high number of males (61.81%) had foot ulcers when compared to females (38.18). The prevalence of the diabetic foot ulcer progressively increases with increasing   age. This study shows that collagen powder dressing increasing the healing rate when compared with the normal dressing in diabetic foot ulcer patients.

Keywords: Diabetes, Diabetic foot, Visual Analogue scale, Collagen dressing, Normal dressing, Wound healing.


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Corresponding Author

Dr N.Junior Sundresh

Professor, Department of Surgery, R.M.M.C.H, Annamalai University

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