Title: Outcome of Single Tracer Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Early Oral Cavity Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Authors: Dr Tapan Sarma, Dr Firoz Pasha

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i8.87


Purpose: Cervical nodal status is one of the most important denominator of prognosis in oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma. Management of clinically negative cervical node is controversial and practice varies from institution to institution. But in most of the institutions Early oral malignancy with negative neck nodes is usually managed with elective neck dissection. Sentinel node biopsy can reduce the adverse events of neck dissection.  Purpose of current study is to assess outcome of the procedure in our setup.

Materials and Method: This single institutional observational study was carried out in a tertiary care centre in north India Prior approval from hospital’s Scientific and Ethical committee. Total 40 Patients with early OSCC [clinical T1, T2, N0] were included over a period of 20months. Single tracer SLNB using unfiltered 99mTc-sulfur colloid were performed followed by selective neck dissection. Nodal status determined on haematoxylin and eosin testing. Data analysed at the end of study period.

Results: Sentinel nodes were successfully harvested in 92.5 % cases. Average 2.4 sentinel nodes were harvested per person. In 42 % cases nodes were found in neck level II. A false negative rate of 0.11, accuracy of 0.89 and NPV of 0.86 were recorded. Highest number of false negative rate recorded in clinical stage T1 and in tongue respectively. In all three FOM cases detection of SLN failed due to shine through effect of radio colloid.

Conclusion: Results showed that SLNB is technically feasible in a centre like us where sentinel lymph node biopsies are already being performed. The outcome of the procedure is comparable to the existing literature.

Keywords: Sentinel Lymph node biopsy, Oral squamous cell carcinoma, Elective neck dissection.


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Dr Tapan Sarma

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