Title: Comparative Study of Short Wave Diathermy and Therapeutic Exercise on Pain and Physical Functioning of Patients with Osteoarthritis Knee

Authors: Dr Sumit Roy Chowdhury, Prof. Dr A.A. Khan, Dr Md. Zahirul Hoque Bhuiyan,  Dr Md. Saiful Alam, Dr Mohammad Amanul Hoque,  Dr Mohamemd Abdur Rahim, Dr Khaled Bin Islam

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i8.66


Introduction: Osteoarthritis (OA) is a chronic joint disorder in which there is a progressive softening and disintegration of articular cartilage accompanied by new growth of cartilage and bone at the joint margin (osteophytes) and capsular fibrosis. Heat especially deep heat (diathermy) is an appropriate adjunct in the treatment of those patients with chronic osteoarthritis. The physiological response to the thermal effect includes increase in the extensibility of collagen tissue, the pain threshold, the promotion of blood flow, and enhancement of the efficiency of the muscular activity. To maximize the functional capacity of patients with OA, comprehensive exercise programs that emphasize stretching, strengthening, flexibility exercise and reconditioning are recommended. The purpose of this study is to assess the value of short- wave diathermy and therapeutic exercise on pain and physical functioning of the patients with OA of knee.

Materials and Methods / Study Design: This randomized clinical trial was conducted in the department of physical medicine and rehabilitation, Chittagong medical college hospital from June to August, 2011. A total of 50 (fifty) patients were selected randomly for this study according to ACR selection criteria. The selected patients were divided into two groups - in group A. Patients were treated with ADLS instructions, NSAIDS and SWD and in group B, patients were treated with ADLS instruction, NSAIDS and TE. Each treatment session consists of 30 minutes for 6 weeks.    

Results: In study group, age and sex did not show any significant variation. Assessment of pre-treatment & post- treatment pain and tenderness score of the study showed that group B had significant improvement than group a at the end of six weeks following treatment. Assessment of WOMAC pain, stiffness physical function subscale score shored that Group B had significant improvement than group A.

Conclusion: The results indicate that therapeutic exercise is better than shortwave dithery in OA knee.

Keyword: Therapeutic exercise, short wave diathermy, arthritis.


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Corresponding Author

Dr Sumit Roy Chowdhury

Consultant Physical Medicine Chittagong Medical College