Title: To Correlate the Blood Sugar Level with Age in Diabetic Patients

Authors: Archana Singh, Leena

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i8.58


Diabetes mellitus is a group of disease characterized by high blood glucose concentration in the blood and alteration in carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism. People are greater risk of diabetes due to improper dietary practice, unhealthy life style, lack of physical exercise. The present study was conducted to correlate the blood sugar level with age in diabetic patients. multistage stratified sampling technique was used for selecting 100 samples in both male and females and an interviewed scheduled was evolved to collect information regarding socio-economic profile, dietary pattern etc. dietary intake between male and females diabetic was very highly significant but age , BMI, Nutrients Intake etc. between male and females diabetic were insignificant.

Keywords: Age, Body Mass Index, Diabetes mellitus, Fasting Glucose.


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Corresponding Author

Archana Singh

Department of food & Nutrition (Biochemistry)

Institute of Home Science, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University