The concept of new knowledge were analyzed based in the citation , impact factor, cited and un cited papers
and h-index were basis of a contemporary tendency of parameterization of everything and the potential
measure of the knowledge progress, which recognizes individuals, institutions, national and international
university in Engineering sub-disciplines such civil engineering, mechanical engineering, automation,
minining, transport, environmental etc were quantify h-index for prediction of gross domestic productive and
unproductive of the research output over the world in which the highest index in the world was US and UK.
It has been found that the population of the best keeps basically the same relations between the h-index and a
number of publication, and between the h-index and a citation number. However, even the best in
Engineering should publish 2-3 times a year or more papers to receive the same h-index as top scientists or
Professor or best Engineer or Doctor in Engineering or medicals sciences in overall domains.
The Author Dr Sanjay Gupta made emphasis over the slope of the number of publication and impact factor of
the technical manuscript as per the world Scale. The numerical value after analysis of the slope existing in
between or less than 1,2,3 , the output of the international or national university can be categorized on the
individual Professor research output and minimum h-index for the professor .All three categories gave a
nation best gross domestic product research output. Out of all three categories less than 3 , gave the excellent
performance of the individual , university and international university .The Author elaborated slope based on
their own research output and giving a scale of approximately 3. The Author Dr Sanjay Gupta has achieved
an excellent research output in Civil Engineering in world scale. The Nobel prizes achieved all over the
world were also represented with world scale of Hrich index based on the Hi index starting from 15 to 75 for
a non technical physics papers. Keeping the view of the world scale the Author Dr Sanjay Gupta
achievement during the entire career varying H-Index in between 20-30 In Civil Engineering.
The mechanism how to increase the h-index has been presented based on the WOS, scoupos or DOI as well
as Google. Some similarities between H-index and the journal impact factor (JIF) have been stressed. Also
the universal role of H-index in ranking countries in all areas and in Engineering and medical sciences.
Key words: Bibliometric indicators, citations, citation metrics, h-index, country rank, SCImago indicator,
disciplines, domestic Engineering sub-disciplines, statistics.